Friday, February 27, 2009

I Wanna Testify!

A few weeks ago, we headed east to BOTT. My husband drove the first half of the trip and I drove the second half. Just after we crossed the Texas-Louisiana border, I noted that the speed limit changed...but as I drove I gradually picked my speed back up until the officer in Many clocked me doing 70 in a 55 M.P.H. zone. He was polite, all the while writing a ticket and explaining what I had to do. I got back in the car and was determined to be more mindful of the speed limit.

 I was sick about the amount of money that was sure to cost. I knew we had a special offering coming up, we were working on paying off debt, etc. and I just didn't want to "waste" money. But we discussed it and decided that when we got back I would take defensive driving, it wouldn't go on my record, and maybe our insurance would even go down...this could be a blessing in disguise! So I prayed and told the Lord, "This is not our money, it's yours. I know I was wrong for speeding and I'll pay whatever consequences you think necessary. But Lord, you see what we're trying to do with our money and I just ask that you would have your perfect way in this matter."

Well, we got home, I called the Many Sheriff's office, and I was disappointed to learn that taking defensive driving for a ticket wasn't an alternative they allowed...and this ticket would cost me $190! But, the girl said, I could talk to the District Attorney's office and see if they would amend the ticket to a lesser charge. So, I did. They told me the DA would review my request and I would receive a letter in the mail.

Now, to be honest, I didn't think for a minute that they would do it. I mean, why would they? Just because I asked? So I just resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to pay the full amount. A few days ago, though, in my prayer time, the Lord reminded me that I had placed that situation into His hands and He convicted me of my unbelief. So I repented and placed it into His hands again.

Yesterday, I got a letter from the District Attorney's office in Many, LA. I'd like to share it with you:
"Dear Misti Ferguson:
In reference to the above traffic citation, I am pleased to inform you that I have amended it to NO SEATBELT which will not affect your driving record. You will need to remit a fine in the amount of $50...."

Isn't God AMAZING? He is so faithful to hear and answer our prayers if we will just bring them to Him and then trust Him! I'm so thankful for his constant care in my life....God is Good!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mr. Darwin!

In honor of Charles Darwin's 200th birthday...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pictures from Licensing


Rev. Adam Slatter and Rev. Chris Ferguson

Introducing Rev. Chris Ferguson....

It’s official! Chris Ferguson is now a licensed minister of the United Pentecostal Church! Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us and to Bro. and Sis. Smith for all your help. We couldn’t have made it this far without you.

We actually went to Lufkin on Monday night and spent some time visiting with my Mom and Dad. We got up on Tuesday morning, ate breakfast, spent some time relaxing and then decided to take them to lunch. We took them to eat at Manhattan’s Italian restaurant in downtown Lufkin. We went there with Bro. and Sis. Smith, Bro. and Sis. Patrick and Redonia during campmeeting last year and we thought Mom and Dad would like it, too. We were right. They enjoyed the meal and the atmosphere was very nice, elegant, and quiet. After we left there, we had a few minutes before we needed to head to the camp grounds so we all went and poked around The Antique Mall.

At 12:30 we headed over to the campgrounds so that we could take our time and be a little early for the devotion at 1:00. We shouldn’t have worried since we didn’t actually get started until 1:15. Then, they called us back to the boardroom. Bro. Gerald gave the devotion entitled, “The Preacher’s Greatest Temptation”. It was good teaching and I really enjoyed it, even though I’m not a preacher! One of the highlights of the day happened while Bro. Gerald was speaking. He was getting towards the end of his message and really starting to wind up. “What I do….” Brrrrriiiinng. Brrrrriiiinng. The veteran never missed a beat. “….when my phone rings and I’m in the middle of something important, is, I take it and turn it off because there’s nothing more important than what’s going on right here!” The room erupted into laughter! I have a snapshot image in my mind of Bro. Russo leaned back in his chair, head thrown back laughing with gusto! Priceless!

Then began the waiting game. We were really blessed to be there with our friends Adam and Tara Slatter. We haven’t seen them since MAP and their company really made the time go by fast. We also enjoyed visiting with Sis. Elms and meeting some of the other couples who were there for licensing.

Finally, they called my husband to meet a panel of three presbyters. That was the most nerve wracking 15 minutes of the day! Chris says it wasn’t a big deal but I was having a hard time breathing! I guess the reason it’s so hard for the wives is because we don’t know what’s happening. Even if we weren’t allowed to speak if we could just “see” and “hear” what was going on we would feel so much better! Wives are usually more alert to body language, voice tone and facial expressions…if I could have just seen and heard the interview, then the rest of my day probably wouldn’t have been so long!

As it was, we and the Slatters had a great time laughing with each other. We were mostly laughing at our own nervousness and imagining that the couches we were sitting on had special trap doors under them where the board members would just push a button and “flush” us somewhere into the nether regions of “The Campground” (said in an ominous voice). You know, that’s what they do to preachers that don’t “make the cut”. LOL The phrase of the day was, “And the board rushes out….” Always, of course, in response to something we’ve done or said wrong…that’s when they would flush us. Wives included.

However, I’m happy to say that, to my knowledge, no one was flushed yesterday. I’m not even aware of any initiation swirlies! That’s good news, is it not?

At around five-ish they finally called a list of men back to the boardroom. My husband was included. I was having heart palpitations and hoping this was the right group to be in. When my husband came out he was a Rev. Just like that. And all the breath holding, lip biting, toe tapping, etc., was over. We all congratulated each other…everyone hugged everyone else; and then we did what all good Pentecostals do after an emotional rollercoaster ride: we went to eat! This time with Rev. and Mrs. Adam Slatter!

For those who had the privilege of being raised in the truth (like myself), you may find it hard to understand why this is such a huge milestone. Children raised in the church are taught from a young age what truth is and that preaching this great truth is the greatest thing a person could ever aspire to….even greater than the Presidency of the United States of America! And it is! But for men like my husband, they are not handed this beautiful truth all wrapped up in beautiful packaging, just waiting to be explored at will. For him, he had to dig out of a lot of false doctrine to be able to find this precious truth. Since this post is a bit long (ha!) I won’t go into his testimony here, but suffice it to say that he has come a long way and I am so very proud of him.

I love you, babe. You’re my hero.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life! For those of you who don’t know, here at CUPC we are also known as “the Mushy-sons”. That was coined last year by one of my wonderful students who played me in the end of the year “Roast the Teachers and the Seniors” skit. (I think Trent put her up to it! LOL) We are thus ridiculed because I happen to like to tell stories about my husband. Everyday…. All the time…. To a captive audience I call “students” LOL! Actually, I don’t do it so much these day (I have too much teaching to do!) but I did it quite a bit a few years ago – when Trent was a student. What’s ironic is that Trent and Calah are just as mushy as Chris and I ever were, so now they get it, too! They’re the new “Mushies”! LOL

So this past Monday we went to a wonderful restaurant called Jasper’s in The Woodlands. Monday night was the only night this week that we had free due to his work schedule and church and family responsibilities. We had a delicious dinner and then afterwards we strolled through Market Street looking in the stores. We ended up at Borders bookstore reading books and magazines. We enjoyed spending time with each other so very much…it really means something to get to spend time with someone when you feel like much of your life is spent rushing from one thing to another.

I truly do adore my sweet husband. Words cannot express what he means to me. I am also very proud of him…About four years ago he became manager of the Baskin’s Department Store here in Conroe. When Chris took the store it was a strong #3 out of 14 stores. Through hard work, prayer and God’s blessings, he has taken the store to the #1 position (out of 16 stores now) for the year 2008. What was really awesome was that one of the stores that he beat was the flagship store that has more square footage, more volume, a better location, more advertising, and an internet store that runs out of it. We give God all the glory! When the owner or the president of the company asks him how he’s doing this (they want to duplicate his success in other stores), Chris always responds, “I pray and I pay my tithes!” LOL

I’m also very proud of the minister he is becoming. In the past few years, he has accepted his call to the ministry and has dedicated himself to preparing for that role. As he has managed his store, he has commented many times about how he can see how this experience is going to help him in the ministry. At church he has tried to be anything Bro. Smith has needed him to be - whether that meant covering the foyer doors with black paper for a special program or bringing a Bible lesson to the church (and everything in between!). Last month we attended the MAP seminar in Lufkin. The MAP seminar is a weekend of instruction and testing for ministerial applicants. We enjoyed it immensely and Chris (thankfully!) passed his test. We will go before the board this Tuesday to see if they will approve our ministerial application. Pray church pray!

Our future in the ministry is an uncertain adventure but I can honestly say that I wouldn’t want to take it with anyone else. I have never trusted anyone like I trust Chris Ferguson. He is sensitive to the Holy Ghost and - just as important - he is obedient to the Holy Ghost. He truly desires to follow after God and makes time for that very special relationship every morning. Today, I want to say thank you to my sweetheart for how he loves God and always strives to lead me to a closer relationship with HIM. Like the old song says “…I trust you with my love because you’re His. I see Him in you!”

I love you, sweetness…Happy Valentine’s Day!

Monday, February 2, 2009

When Are We Alive?

The following devotion is taken from Roy L. Smith’s “Sidewalk Sermons.” This book becomes more interesting when you realize it was written in 1938!

Dr. Merton S. Rice, of Detroit, tells a strange story of a murder trial somewhere in the West. A man had been found dead in an alley with all the circumstantial evidence pointing to a certain individual as the murderer.

When brought to trial, the accused man made no effort to prove his innocence, but demanded that his accusers prove that the dead man had ever been alive. Then it developed that no one in the town had ever seen him alive. His name was unknown and nothing could be found upon the body to establish its identity. That he was dead everyone could see. That he had been alive no one could prove. On this flimsy and fanciful defense the accused man was acquitted.

Other men, besides this unfortunate victim, have left little proof that they have ever been alive, too. Living in a community which supported churches for the moral uplift and the religious instruction and inspiration of the people, they never contributed or assisted in the work in any way.

In all the world there is no youth who was inspired by them to go to college, learn a trade, start a savings account, or overcome a bad habit. They filled up no mud holes in the road, warned no traveler of danger down the way, and took no pains to be useful to any other citizen.

Of course they attended to their own business – but to nothing else.
They never started scandals nor stopped them. They never helped elect good men to office, nor did they make trouble for the officers of the law. They died, leaving neither debts nor bequests for charity. They never made any enemies because they never made any friends.

An old Scotchman years ago was accustomed to pray, “Lord, keep me alive as long as I live.”

Jesus once said, “A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth.” Then a little later he remarked, “Let him who would be greatest among you be servant of all.” To the Master the real test of life is the measure of helpfulness we bring to the community.

To be alive does not consist of owning something upon which we must pay taxes, but in being something which makes us so useful that we cannot disappear without being missed.

Have you made yourself so useful today that you could not disappear without being missed?